Through scholarship, creativity, and innovation, research at the A-School advances knowledge and serves society addressing global challenges through a collaborative approach.

Our research at the UVA School of Architecture probes constructed and natural environments, envisions novel approaches to living, and develops engaged models of stewardship and intervention. Through our disciplines of architecture, architectural history, landscape architecture, and urban and environmental planning, we address major global challenges including climate change and environmental sustainability, human well-being, social and economic justice, and the historical, material, and cultural underpinnings of our shared world. Our research is inherently collaborative, both within the A-School and beyond. Cultivating interdisciplinary research experiences for our students at all levels and across our programs is a hallmark of the A-School. Our research impact is evidenced through highly cited, peer-reviewed publications, award-winning projects and exhibitions, and broad engagement with communities, government, and our professions. 

Research Centers and Institutes at the A-School

The School of Architecture hosts mission-driven research Centers and Institutes that seek a long-term impact on the social, material, and ecological fabrics of our home in Charlottesville, the Commonwealth of Virginia, the nation, and the globe. Centers support faculty, students, and staff engaged in major research projects, typically cutting across disciplinary boundaries, that are funded by government grants, private foundations, and non-profit organizations.

Research Labs at the A-School

Our research Labs represent the broad diversity of research at the School of Architecture. Labs showcase the creativity and innovation necessary to transform our disciplines establishing new ideas, methods, and outcomes that seek to rethink how future generations will thrive. Our labs are comprised of faculty, student, and staff researchers who are advancing knowledge through their research and creative practice, scholarly work, and community engagement.

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